Introducing Gamma Swap


This paper introduces a new type of derivative, Gamma Swap, inspired by Power Perpetuals. It is for the buyers (taking the long side) to gain the Gamma exposure of some underlying asset and the sellers (taking the short side) to earn the funding fees by providing that exposure.

which gives exactly the PnL that we want in our motivation. Now we have successfully structured a new derivative, Gamma Swap, to provide the wanted risk exposure.

Derivative v.s. Portfolio

However, the equivalency brings us to the question: why do we need such a new derivative instead of simply holding a portfolio of futures and powers? This is because the latter has the following two disadvantages:

  • To construct such a portfolio, for the unwanted positive Delta and negative Delta, one is paying extra transaction fees and trading costs (slippage, funding fees, etc.).

Put simply, to obtain pure Gamma exposure by holding a portfolio of powers and perps, one has to allocate extra capital for margin as well as pay extra costs for 0 Delta. And Gamma Swap is introduced to directly provide the Gamma exposure without such wastes.

Trade with specified entry price

Mark Price and Funding

With such a set-up, Gamma swap does not have a simple mark-price-based funding mechanism (like power perp’s). Instead, we define that the Gamma swap has composite funding consisting of power funding and perp funding:

The Greeks

The effects of varying volatility

Similarly, we have:



This paper introduces a new type of derivative, Gamma Swap, to efficiently and directly provide almost constant and pure Gamma exposure for traders. However, as a composite derivative, it depends on a composite trading venue to facilitate the trading. We will discuss such a composite trading venue in a subsequent paper.

Application-wise, since Gamma is one of the most primitive elements in the financial world (probably only second to Delta), there would be many potential use cases of Gamma swap. In fact, it would be the go-to solution whenever pure Gamma is needed. We will discuss the applications of Gamma swap in subsequent papers.

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