Gamma Swap by Deri Protocol


In the previous paper, we introduced a new type of derivative, Gamma Swap. As discussed, the trading of Gamma swap depends on a composite trading venue consisting of two (virtual) primitive trading venues for power perps and perpetual futures. This paper explains the implementation of such a composite trading venue by the DPMM of Deri Protocol.

Composite DPMM of Gamma Swap

Following the terminology in the previous paper, in this paper, ii refers to the index price while MM refers to the different kinds of mark prices. The core role of DPMM is to determine the mark prices based on the index price input and the trading activities. Everything else (e.g., PnL, funding fees) is then based on the mark prices.

Internally, 1 unit of Gamma swap is treated as a portfolio of powers and perps. DPMM simultaneously keeps track of the power and perp positions and calculates their respective mark prices. When 1 unit of long Gamma swap is entered, the DPMM adds 1 unit of power and 2i01h0T-\frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T} units of perp to the two positions, respectively. One could also enter a Gamma swap position with a specified entry price isi_s . In that case, DPMM would add 1 unit of power and 2is1h0T-\frac{2i_s}{1-h_0T} units of perp to the two positions, respectively. Denote the total net position of power as nn and total net position of perp as mm , then DPMM calculates the mark price of perp as follows:


where ii is the index price of the underlying, and m=n2i1hT+mm'=n\cdot\frac{2i}{1-hT}+m. Please note that:

  • This is just the classical DPMM for perp with m=(n2i1hT+m)m'=\left(n\cdot\frac{2i}{1-hT}+m\right) as the total net position, instead of just mm.

  • Notice that m=0 m'=0 at a “balanced point”, at which the liquidity pool has no Delta exposure. For example, immediately after the first position was opened, we have n=1 n =1 and m=2i01h0Tm=-\frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T} , hence m=0m'=0 . A “balanced point” is equivalent to the scenario of zero net position in a regular DPMM of perp.

  • A trading action reducing m|m'| (and thus bringing the system to the “balanced point”) enjoys a negative slippage of MperpM_{perp} . However, since opening a new position at the current price (without specifying entry price) does not change mm' , it does not enjoy a negative slippage. This is a bit different from the case of perp DPMM, in which a new position reducing the total net position always enjoys negative slippage.

And the mark price of power is:


where ipoweri_{power} is the theoretical price of the power, calculated just like that in the power perp DPMM:

ipower=i21hT i_{power}=\frac{i^2}{1-hT}

Now we have a composite DPMM that, at any point, takes the state variables (n,m,i,σ)(n, m, i, \sigma) to determine (Mperp,Mpower)(M_{perp}, M_{power}) and hence givesMgammaM_{gamma} as


MgammaM_{gamma}determines the trading cost of every trade and consequently determines PnL.

Funding Calculation

1 unit of Gamma swap has composite funding based on the power funding and the perp funding:


where (i0,h0)(i_0, h_0) are the (i,h)(i,h) as of the position entry point, and

Fpower=Mpoweri2TFperp=MperpiT=ikperpT(n2i1hT+m)\begin{align*} F_{power}=&\frac{M_{power}-i^2}{T}\\ F_{perp}=&\frac{M_{perp}-i}{T}=i\cdot\frac{k_{perp}}{T}\left(n\cdot\frac{2i}{1-hT}+m\right) \end{align*}

FpowerF_{power} is simply handled the same way as power perps.

Whereas the handling of FperpF_{perp} is somewhat tricky, as the coefficient of the FperpF_{perp} term is constantly changing with ii . Essentially, this can be understood as every unit of Gamma swap has 2i01h0T -\frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T} “real futures” as well as 2i1hT\frac{2i}{1-hT} “virtual futures”, and hence totally (2i1hT2i01h0T)\left(\frac{2i}{1-hT}-\frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T}\right) effective futures. The tricky part is the constantly varying virtual part. Because of this constantly varying virtual part, the perp funding should be calculated per Gamma swap, instead of per futures.

By definition, the exact funding fee of 1 unit of Gamma swap accumulated over the time period (t1,t2)(t_1, t_2) should be the integral of Fperp F_{perp} over this period.

Fundingperp(t1,t2)=t1t2(2i1hT2i01h0T)Fperpdt=t1t2(2i1hT)Fperpdt2i01h0Tt1t2Fperpdt=At1t22i01h0TBt1t2 \begin{align*} \text{Funding}_{perp}(t_1,t_2)=&\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\left(\frac{2i}{1-hT}-\frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T}\right) F_{perp}dt \\ =&\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\left(\frac{2i}{1-hT}\right) F_{perp}dt-\frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T}\int_{t_1}^{t_2} F_{perp}dt \\ =& A|_{t_1}^{t_2}- \frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T}B|_{t_1}^{t_2} \end{align*}

where At1t2A|_{t_1}^{t_2} and Bt1t2B|_{t_1}^{t_2} are the accumulated increment of AA and BB over (ti,t2](t_i,t_2] :

At1t2=t1t22i1hTFperpdt=t1t22i1hTikperpT(n2i1hT+m)dtBt1t2=t1t2Fperpdt=t1t2ikperpT(n2i1hT+m)dt \begin{align*} A|_{t_1}^{t_2}=&\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\frac{2i}{1-hT}\cdot F_{perp}dt=\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\frac{2i}{1-hT}\cdot i\cdot\frac{k_{perp}}{T}\left(n\cdot\frac{2i}{1-hT}+m\right)dt\\ B|_{t_1}^{t_2}=&\int_{t_1}^{t_2} F_{perp}dt=\int_{t_1}^{t_2} i\cdot\frac{k_{perp}}{T}\left(n\cdot\frac{2i}{1-hT}+m\right)dt\\ \end{align*}

Please note that the two accumulating variables AA and BB are universal to all positions while io1h0T\frac{i_o}{1-h_0T} is position-specific. We need to track the accumulations of AA and BB separately and then for any position we can calculate its accumulated funding fee with its own value of i01h0T\frac{i_0}{1-h_0T} . That is, for a position of xx gamma swaps entered at tat_a with entry values (i0,h0)(i_0, h_0) , its accumulated funding fee from t1t_1 to t2t_2 is:

[(At2At1)(Bt2Bt1)2i01h0T]x\left[(A_{t_2}-A_{t_1})-(B_{t_2}-B_{t_1})\frac{2i_0}{1-h_0T}\right]\cdot x

In practice, it is impossible to rigorously calculate AA and BB due to their path-dependencies. Hence, we need some numerical approximations.

Approximation Method 1

We assume the funding over the time period (ti1,ti](t_{i-1},t_i] is accumulated at the speed as of tit_i . Essentially this assumes i=i(t2),i(ti1,ti]i=i(t_2), \forall i \in(t_{i-1}, t_i] . With this approximation, the two integrals over (ti,t2](t_i,t_2] degenerate into simple multiplications:

At1t2=2i1hTikperpT(n2i1hT+m)ΔtBt1t2=ikperpT(n2i1hT+m)Δt\begin{align*} A|_{t_1}^{t_2}=&\frac{2i}{1-hT}\cdot i \cdot\frac{k_{perp}}{T}\left(n\cdot\frac{2i}{1-hT}+m\right)\Delta t\\ B|_{t_1}^{t_2}=& i \cdot\frac{k_{perp}}{T}\left(n\cdot\frac{2i}{1-hT}+m\right)\Delta t \end{align*}

Approximation Method 2

A more reasonable approximation is to assume the index price ii changes linearly over (t1,t2](t_1, t_2] :

i(t)=i1+(i2i1)tt1t2t1,i(ti1,ti]i(t)=i_1+(i_2-i_1)\frac{t-t_1}{t_2-t_1}, \forall i \in(t_{i-1}, t_i]

Then we can calculate the accumulating variables AA and BB as follows:

At1t2=21hTkperpT(n21hTi3+mi2)ΔtBt1t2=kperpT(n21hTi2+mi)Δt\begin{align*} A|_{t_1}^{t_2}=&\frac{2}{1-hT}\cdot\frac{k_{perp}}{T}\left(n\cdot\frac{2}{1-hT}\cdot\overline {i^3}+m\cdot\overline {i^2}\right)\Delta t\\ B|_{t_1}^{t_2}=& \frac{k_{perp}}{T}\left(n\cdot\frac{2}{1-hT}\cdot\overline {i^2}+m\cdot\overline {i}\right)\Delta t \end{align*}

where i3\overline {i^3}, i2\overline {i^2} and i \overline i are the time-weighted average value of i3i^3 , i2i^2 and ii over (t1,t2](t_1, t_2] , respectively:

i3=1Δtt1t2i3dt=(i1+i2)(i12+i22)4i2=1Δtt1t2i2dt=i12+i1i2+i223i=1Δtt1t2idt=i1+i22\begin{align*} \overline{i^3}&=\frac{1}{\Delta t}\int_{t_1}^{t_2}i^3dt=\frac{(i_1+i_2)(i_1^2+i_2^2)}{4}\\ \overline{i^2}&=\frac{1}{\Delta t}\int_{t_1}^{t_2}i^2dt=\frac{i_1^2+i_1i_2+i_2^2}{3}\\ \overline{i}&=\frac{1}{\Delta t}\int_{t_1}^{t_2}idt=\frac{i_1+i_2}{2}\\ \end{align*}

With this approximation, the power funding component can be calculated similarly:

Fundingpower(t1,t2)=(kpowern+hT)(1hT)Ti2Δt=Apowert1t2 \text{Funding}_{power}(t_1,t_2) = \frac{(k_{power}n+hT)}{(1-hT)T}\cdot \overline{i^2} \Delta t= A_{power}|_{t_1}^{t_2}

where Apowert1t2A_{power}|_{t_1}^{t_2} is the accumulating variable tracking the accumulation of power funding. In practice, the two AA variables of power and futures can be combined into a single variable.


The previous paper introduces the concept of Gamma Swap, a new type of derivative depending on a composite trading venue consisting of two primitive trading venues for power perps and perpetual futures. This paper explains the implementation of such a composite trading venue by the DPMM of Deri Protocol. With the DPMM for Gamma Swap constructed, now we are ready to roll out a comprehensive solution for Gamm Swap.

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